CM2 Sample Images
This page presents a selection of sample images that were taken using the CM2 sidescan sonar system.
- The Countess of Erne, Portland harbour
- Small boat, Portland harbour
- Seabed debris and shadows, Sydney harbour
- Piling and shadows, Victoria Dock, London
- Victim of drowning, Lake Talty, Poland

The Countess of Erne, Portland harbour
Sunk alongside a stone breakwater in Portland harbour. Imaged at 780kHz, 25m range.

Small boat, Portland harbour
A small boat, believed to be a stone barge, sunk in Portland harbour. Imaged at 780kHz, 25m range.

Seabed debris and shadows, Sydney harbour
Image showing some interesting seabed debris and shadowing in Sydney harbour. Imaged at 780kHz, 25m range.

Piling and shadows, Victoria dock, London
Some very nice shadows from dockside pilings, Victoria dock, Docklands, London. Imaged at 325kHz, 50m range.

Victim of drowning, Lake Talty, Poland
This image shows a victim of drowning in Lake Talty, Poland. This image was recorded by the Polish State Fire Service in Gizycko and submitted by Mr. Dariusz Grabiec.
Imaged at 780kHz, 25m range.